Periodic Health Evaluation Screen for student athletes
Periodic Health Evaluation Screen for student athletes in the county of Surrey
by the Jamaica Association of Sports Medicine (JASM) held on Saturday, March
18, 2023
As a special outreach to our athletes the JASM has embarked on a new programme
where we offer health fairs doing Periodic Health Evaluations for underserved
athletes across the country. These Health Fairs, seek to offer young athletes an
opportunity to have medical and functional assessments, such as ECGs, sight and
strength tests done as part of a holistic evaluation which may identify any medical
or physical factors that puts the athlete at risk for sudden death and/or physical
injury while playing sports.
Our first Health Fair that was held in Montego Bay on September 3, 2022, at the
Montego Bay Community College where we screened approximately 50 athletes
from schools in the Western end of the island.
Our follow-up event in the series was held on Saturday, March 18, 2023, for the
county of Surrey, at Stephanie Hall, Holy Childhood High from 8am-5pm. At this
health fair we welcomed JADCO, to give anti-doping talks and information to our
student athletes and The Lions Club of Kingston, who offered sight testing for all the
persons on hand, as well as Wisynco, who sponsored our beverages.
For the day we screened approximately 40 students from the Eastern end of the
island from 5 schools. By all accounts the day was a success, with many of the
athletes themselves, as well as coaches and parents present spoke of the need for
such medical screens to be done and how important it was to know the health status
of their charges as they compete in high level sporting activities.
Our next event later in the year will target student athletes in county of Middlesex.
For any further information or questions,